Archive posts for 'Education'

We agree with the Saxo & Blackrock views in this intersting article.Please click... read more

Longer-term 3 month signals have been bullish throught 2019 and our strategy to stay long and buy dips has been the correct one.However, although there is no clear bearish reversal pattern on longer dated DAX-FTSE charts, signasl in the shorter-end are highlighting warnings.Initially divergence on momentum indicators, last week the US ending long trend of higher... read more

This article is about Keltner channels and how, using them as trend indicators, they can aid trading on almost any time scale.Firstly we’ll cover the theory then practice of how I use them in analysis across the asset classes with some recent examples to see how they work.Keltner channels can be invaluable as a tool for... read more

I've pointed out on these pages before how useful both RSI and Keltner channels can be to traders across the asset classes. What I'd like to show today is how the two indicators can combine in another method of application for trading. This article is going to look at using Keltner channels around the RSI indicator rather than... read more

Your Own Worst Enemy. - Why it is so hard to develop a real ‘Behavioural Edge’ in Trading.a guest article by Steven GoldsteinThe Dunning-Kruger effect is a behavioural bias which refers to people’s belief that they are more capable than they really are. This is a cruel trick played on traders by themselves which keeps most... read more

Courtesy of: Visual Capitalist All of the World’s Money and Markets in One VisualizationThis infographic is the updated version of our best-known piece from The Money Project, an ongoing collaboration with Texas Precious Metals. It was first published in late 2015.Millions, billions, and trillions…When we talk about the giant size of Apple, the fortune of Warren Buffett, or the... read more

What is That Really Makes Successful Traders? Welcome to Sensemaking.a guest article by Steven Goldstein, Performance & Executive CoachWhat is it that really makes a successful trader?Scores of books, hundreds of journals, and reams of paper have been spent pondering this question. There are many different views, theories and ideas: Strong analytical abilities, high quality research, disciplined risk... read more

After posting a higher low in March and then trading through key moving averages in both spot and RSI, our bias for GBPSEK, as shown in the Trend Table, turned to bullish.Last week's solid move confirmed that new trend and demand has accelerated this week with the general improvement in investor sentiment towards sterling. Importantly though this... read more

China’s Bond Market Can’t Handle a Global RMBby Benn Steil and Emma SmithThe Chinese RMB’s ascension into the IMF’s SDR currency basket in October has been widely seen as an important first step on its path to becoming a global reserve currency. But we would argue that the path is a very long one, and that even rivaling... read more

Courtesy of: Visual Capitalist How Much Government Debt Rests Upon Your Shoulders?With the U.S. National Debt closing in on the $20 trillion mark, there has been a lot of conversation in Washington about debt and its role in government.And most of that conversation right now revolves around President-elect Donald Trump.On one hand, the Trump campaign had early... read more