Posts tagged 'Bonds'

Are we headed for a bond market bloodbath?
Are we headed for a bond market bloodbath?22nd March 2017

Are we headed for a bond market bloodbath? - a guest articleby Simon Jack BBC Business editorThe greatest bull market in history is over. Last week's rise in US interest rates confirms the reversal of a 30-year trend, and that spells big trouble according to some Cassandras.There have been bumps in the road along the way but the market... read more

T-Notes – Rising Three points higher
T-Notes – Rising Three points higher11th January 2016

... In T-Notes and T.Bond futures this year began with a renewal of demand. Demand that we expect to lead significantly higher.The move higher last week, almost 2 points in T-Notes and 3 1/2 points in Bonds, ended a sequence of 3 down weeks. Soem allowance has to be made to the fact that those weeks... read more

Where do BUNDS go this Quarter?
Where do BUNDS go this Quarter?1st July 2015

We look for lower levels to develop in Bunds after the Greek issue has calmed, one way or the other, with downside scope to 148.23, 145.85 or even towards 141.37. A sequence of 5 positive quarters ended over the last 3 months. Early Bunds gains proved limited and sentiment reversed sharply. The preceding quarters entire upside was... read more