Posts tagged 'Euro'

Most Traded Currencies in 20164th January 2017
Have you ever wondered which currencies receive the most trading action? The data for the following chart comes from a survey done every three years by the Bank of International Settlements (BIS).Note that trading volume adds up to 200%, because each currency trade has a pairing.Chart courtesy of: DatashownThe Chinese yuan is now the 8th most... read more

ECB – Easier over 2 legs15th March 2016
For the ECB, it is easier to get therewith the use of two legsA guest article by Tor Vollaløkken from EURUSD InsiderLeading up to last week’s ECB monetary policy meeting we argued that for the ECB to get inflation closer to the objective, the ECB would need to see EURUSD below 0.95. We just used the... read more