Posts tagged 'Europe'

Project Fear – Implications of Brexit26th May 2016
Project Fear - Implications of Brexit... a guest Jeremy RaybouldPrivate Equity and Alternative Investments Specialist/Investor Relations and Equity Fund Distribution. Partner at Lancea LLP Brexit and Binary: when it is or when it isn't - or neither?The UK's EU referendum is, on the face of it, a binary event: either yes or no. Either of the 50:50... read more

ECB – Easier over 2 legs15th March 2016
For the ECB, it is easier to get therewith the use of two legsA guest article by Tor Vollaløkken from EURUSD InsiderLeading up to last week’s ECB monetary policy meeting we argued that for the ECB to get inflation closer to the objective, the ECB would need to see EURUSD below 0.95. We just used the... read more